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ISTeP - UMR 7193
Institut des Sciences de la Terre de Paris

Séminaire ISTEP - Nathalie Fagel

MARDI 16 Mai 2023 - 12h30 - salle de Conférences de l'UFR (Tour 46, 1er étage, couloir 46-56)

Nathalie Fagel (Université de Liège)


Significance of clay variability in sediments 

In sediments, clay minerals are mainly detrital. Formed by continental weathering, they are carried by fluviatile, atmospheric and/or oceanic transport to the adjacent sedimentary basins. In a sediment core, the variability in the clay mineral assemblages reflects either variable weathering conditions in the watershed and/or changes in the mineral sources, eventually associated to different transport agents. When different sources are involved, a combination of mineralogical and geochemical proxies allows to trace the detrital provenance but also, indirectly, to provide valuable information on transport pathways and paleocurrents. This lecture presents several examples from literature, personal research or from my PhD students.  A focus is given on the climate control on clay variability observed at different time scale from the Late Cenozoic to the Quaternary. 


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Vous pouvez retrouver des présentations de Nathalie FAGEL sur Youtube

Nathalie FAGEL, Sophie VERHEYDEN
Paléoclimats : les clés du futur
Date : 27.10.2016 — Vidéo 60 min. — Audio 60 min.



Nathalie FAGEL
Les variations naturelles du climat (2/2)
Date : 13.10.2016 — Vidéo 16 min. — Audio 16 min.


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    L'ISTeP comprend 108 membres dont :

    • 12 professeurs
    • 21 maîtres de conférences
    • 2 directeurs de recherche CNRS
    • 2 chargés de recherche CNRS
    • 7 ATER et post-docs
    • 26 doctorants
    • 21 ITA-IATSS
    • 17 collaborateurs bénévoles / émérites